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What response to my stories. Specially my cross-dressing series… All guys and ladies pls read my other stories for more fun. Here are my latest stories of a wife call pinki.So let start the storyThree years ago I was a domesticated housewife, a mother of three, and a full-time nurse. I grew up in the Indian culture that clearly defined my role as such. I did everything that was expected of me, even to a fault. But that was three years ago, before I reached the age that scientists tell us women achieve their peak. When mother nature took her course, my sexual organs began rumbling and petitioning my brain that they were being underused and not living up to their potential.I always had a healthy sex drive or at least healthy as described by special doctors: a state of well being in body and mind. But I was limited by my Indian defined role. You see, girls where I came from weren’t supposed to know about the sex act until their husbands taught them. Sure, our mothers gave us the. “Hmm, oh God!”“Sh.”“Daddy!” she cried out, grabbing the armrests, bouncing on his cock.“Sh!”The shrieking music suddenly cut out. He stopped suddenly. Heather collapsed on him and moaned loudly, then she quickly gasped when Caledon covered her mouth.She looked back at Caledon. He was watching Mary.They looked at her mom who stirred, but to their sighing relief, was still sleeping.He started fucking her again, slower this time. She had her hand between her legs, stimulating herself. One of his hands was inside her T-shirt, grabbing her small breasts, while the other hand still covered her mouth.She whispered through his fingers, “Ooh, daddy, I love your cock,” before letting a finger into her mouth.“I love yours, too,” he panted as he continued, picking up speed again. “Your pussy, I mean, princess.”She shook her head, pushing his hand from her face. “Queen,” she said dreamily.He laughed a little and banged into her harder, making her yelp. “Princess.” He nodded towards his wife.
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